The Bridges of Rowe Woods

Avery Run Waterfall Overlook

Rowe Woods Trail Bridges

Along the many trails in CNC Rowe Woods nature center’s trails, you will come across some bridges that span the ravines. Some are short and older, some are long and newer.

Woodland Trail Bridge Spring Time

Misty morning trail bridge, east Rowe Woods.

Many of the pictures are of the same bridges, but at different season of the year.

Cincinnati Nature Center at Rowe Woods woodland trails and bridges.

Upgrades trail bridge along the trails in Rowe Woods

Over the many years, the Rowe Woods trails bridges have been transformed from walking bridges. To wider to allow fossil fuel trail runners to be used by the CNC Rowe Woods staff.


Autumn along the trails are special, the bridge is south of the Krippendorf lodge along the trail to Avey run over look.

Heading South Below The Dam Rowe Woods Hiking Trail Bridge

The southern trails in Rowe Woods have ravines that lead to the Avey Run stream that runs through Cincinnati Nature Center at Rowe Woods.

Woodlands Shelter

Avery run bridge and over look shelter back in the early 1990s. This picture shows how many Ash trees once populated Rowe Woods and provided shade too much of the forest trails. The EAB killed off most of the Ash Trees in Rowe Woods. It is ironic that the Nature Center logo has Ash Leaves as the featured leaf.

Fresh new expanded trail bridge along the Deer Trace trail.

Not all the bridges along the trails in Rowe Woods are made of wood. This stone bridge leads from the Krippendorf swimming pool to the Krippendorf Lodge.

Lone Hiker On the Trail

First snow footprints on the main bridge leading south from the Powel Crosley Lake area toward the prairies and ponds to the south of the Nature center building and lake in Rowe Woods.

Hikers love the trails and bridges that provide all type of levels of hiking from a novice easy trail walking, to an experienced hiker who likes more challenging trails.

This picture is the Avey Run overlook many years later after the Ash Trees began to fall, and the walking bridge was replaced by a wider motor vehicle trail bride. The few trees have allowed the undergrowth to increase and block the old view of the Avey Run over look area.

East of the Powel Crosley Lake shelter is a bridge that leads towards the Nature center main building. Along the way to pass marsh Pond and forest and fields as to hike the Rowe Woods trails. The picture is during autumn and shows the trees that have been damaged by the Emerald Ash Bore.

Trail Bridge -  Rowe Woods

This is the same trail bridge along the way to Powel Crosley Lake shelter and overlook area. The picture was taken at near dawn using a wide angle lens to capture the mood of early foggy mornings and hiking the Nature center trails.


South of the dam that holds Powel Crosley Lake is the connector trail bridge to the southern part of CNC Rowe Woods where you will find ponds, streams, wildlife and endless Woodland beauty.


Wide angle view looking north toward the Powel Crosley Lake dam and trail that circles around the beautiful lake. This view is as you head to the gift shop and boardwalk along the edge of Powel Crosley Lake to the bird feeder area that overlooks the lake.

The Trail Bridges of Rowe Woods

These are just a few of the many bridges and boardwalks that are all over Cincinnati Nature Center at Rowe Woods. I left out the walkways that span the edge of Powel Crosley Lake, as well as the other ones at the many ponds and bodies of water. I plan on a post that will feature the boardwalks in the future.

Hoping you enjoy the pictures of the trail bridges that are in the southern area of Rowe Woods. More captures of other northern Rowe Woods trails bridges will be added to this page. I hope you enjoy the pictures. Dennis Camp, Photographer.

Abner Hollow Cabin – CNC Rowe Woods

Abner Hollow Cabin - CNC Rowe Woods

Abner Hollow Cabin Changes

This post is to show how the Abner Hollow Cabin located in CNC Rowe Woods was changed over time by the Cincinnati Nature Center board. Like the changing, the original CNC Mission statement and purpose of the Cincinnati Nature Center at Rowe Woods. CNC Rowe Woods nature center was once the place where local member neighbors and other members gathered to learn and love nature in its pure form. The board changed the mission into a Disneyesque themed simulated nature place with a broad non-local based mission statement. The changes for some at CNC is better, for many it is not what the Cincinnati Nature Center was all about starting many years ago.

Improved Abner Cabin
Rowe Woods Progress

The above picture is what the cabin looks like after the Simulated Nature Playscape was placed in the field that surrounds where the cabin was relocated from Adams County. The cabin donated by Helen Black, a founding member of the Cincinnati Nature Center. Below is what the primitive Abner Hollow Cabin looked like once rebuilt piece by piece.

Abner Hollow Cabin CNC Rowe Woods
Primitive Abner Hollow Cabin
Abner Hollow Cabin

Primitive Abner Cabin in Rowe Woods Nature Center

Helen Black donated the Abner Hollow cabin which was located in Adams County, Ohio and had it deconstructed, then reconstructed as each item on the structure had been numbered or noted for rebuilding. The cabin once had a family of 13 living in this two room log cabin. Some years ago, I exchanged emails with the family that last lived in the old log cabin.

Abner Hollow Cabin Field
Abner Hollow Cabin Field View

Since I moved next to the Cincy Nature Center, I have documented the changes using my camera and my eyes. I started to visit the nature center many years ago as I traveled out in the Milford, Ohio, Clermont County area. That is one reason I wanted to live next to CNC – Rowe Woods. The quiet area of Union Township with a hybrid of nature center and neighborhood. Now I get to hear wedding reception DJs and music as I watch the wildlife while relaxing on my back deck. Krippendorf Lodge has been turned into a wedding venue.

Primitive Abner Hollow Cabin
Abner Hollow Cabin Sunset

The Cincinnati Nature Center scarped the old master plan that Stan Rowe and the founding members used when starting the Nature Center. The changes to Rowe Woods since that time have not been good in my opinion. Why the architects put a simulated nature playscape in the middle of one huge natural nature play area called Rowe Woods is beyond me. The primitive cabin was improved to fit in with the new nature concept.

The Abner primitive cabin once located in a pristine field just north of the parking lots and Krippendorf Lodge to the south. Just to the west, where the Lotus Pond located. Trails to Rowe Woods and beyond surround this area. As you can see, the Abner Hollow Cabin once sat in a beautiful nature setting with sounding fields. I enjoyed taking pictures of the primitive pioneer cabin in the different seasons. It once had simple beauty, till it was butchered with the construction of the Disneyesque type of nature simulated nature playscape.

Golden Rod – Abner Hollow Cabin Rowe Woods

The Abner primitive pioneer cabin, which is located in Rowe Woods, Milford, Ohio. There are more pictures of the Abner Cabin in winter, also other PBase cabin galleries of early Abner cabin photos. CNC Rowe Woods used to be a pure nature paradise, now gone to progress and money. Pictures of Cincinnati Nature Center at Rowe Woods, photography by Dennis Camp

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