Cooper was a Trooper – He was a once in a Lifetime Dog

A dog named Cooper who was rescued from the Clermont County Pound in 2007 on his last day before the chamber.
In early 2007 on January the 8th our old big Golden Retriever Cosmo died from the poisoned Chinese dog food that was imported into American. His health was already failing, so it was a bitter-sweet ending for an old family friend. Mo was a big dog at 120lbs, we wrapped in his favorite sleep bag and carried him to the pet cemetery. We all buried Mo in the backyard while cried and dug a hole for Mo.
The next day winter came, and the ground froze solid, it was fate he died when he did. I am not sure what we would have done if we could not have buried him. That spring we adopted Custer, a Golden Doodle who grew quickly and kind of odd pup. My son Max wanted a small dog, so we started a search for an older, smaller dog to rescue from the pound.
This is where the story of a dog named Cooper begins.

Cooper came to live with us on November the 18th, 2007 from the Clermont County pound where he had been waiting for someone to adopt him for over two weeks. The lady at the pound told Cooper this is your lucky day when we adopted him, since he was scheduled to be euthanized the next day. I am not sure who rescued whom as I look back to that time.
We were told he was three years old at the time, we think it was more likely two years of age. He looked a little sick with what we soon learned as canine influenza, which was a new infection at that time. The pup was very sick and went to the hospital where he spent Thanksgiving and almost did not make it.
The good people at Beechmont Animal Hospital saved his life and he came home after five days. From then on, Cooper became a big part of the family. Sleeping in the big bed and running around the yard with Custer. He was the most mellow dog and would calm your soul just sitting next to you.
Custer and Cooper Play on the Tealtown Backyard

Once in a lifetime dog…
When we got Cooper from the dog pound, we thought we had rescued him. What happened is he rescued our family with 14 years of being the best dog one could have as a friend. Coop was sweet, passive, friendly and just a dog everyone liked, and he liked almost everyone. He and his buddy Custer never had to stay at a kennel, Sally and Dick our neighbors loved them so much they watched over him while we went on vacations.

In early 2019 we lost Custer at age 12 years after something happened internal, and he was gone in a day. He had a good 12-year run with little or no problems before his passing. Cooper looked for Big Guy (Custer) for a few weeks after his passing. They were a true Mutt & Jeff team in the house and yard. Later in 2019 we adopted Bean. How we came to have such a yippy little dog is a story in itself. He is a rescue from SAAP and Coop welcomed into his home. Cooper was that kind of a dog, always friendly to everyone, and everyone liked Cooper. Cooper had a true, sweet soul.

During Cooper’s early years, he spent a lot of time in the kid’s playroom in the basement. Custer would not come down the stair steps, so Cooper got all the attention from the boys playing with hm. Cooper and Ghost had a special bond, even though Ty went off to O.U when Cooper was younger. Cooper never lost that bond and always was happy to see Ty when he came to visit. The last Thanksgiving before Cooper passed on, he slept at Ghost’s feet in a spot he seldom ever slept in just to be near his old littermate.

Life is not an if situation, it is a when situation…

Cooper started to passed away on the night prior to December the 11th, 2021 at his home. The next morning we went to Eastgate animal hospital. I had taken care of him all night as he succumbed to his cancer, which we suspected by his bumps that may be a concern. The different bumps were tested many times over the years, never came back as cancer, still he had aged a lot.
I had taken him in to Eastgate Animal Hospital for some blood work abut two months before his passing. Dr. Goode gave me the bad news that his kidneys were failing, and we knew he had heart problems. Doc and I both seem to know he had cancer at this point, still you would have never had known it. On the ride to the vet and from, he got to hang his head out the window in the breeze. On the way there and back, he remembered every bend and twist in the road home. Thanks to Dr. Todd Philips for taking good care of Cooper and making sure he passed on in comfort. Cooper was a trooper, there will never be one like his again.